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How to Get Connected

Learn how you can get involved in the life of the church community!

Discipleship Groups

Looking to grow in your Christian faith?

We offer two kinds of adult discipleship groups that meet after the morning service. One is discussion-based and moves through an interactive, set curriculum. The other is more classroom-style with a teacher. Not only will you learn sound Christian doctrine, but you’ll develop genuine relationships within the church as well. 

Women's Ministry

Women are an integral part of Lighthouse Baptist Church, and there are plenty of ministries specifically for the ladies in our church. 

Hearts and Hands meets monthly to create and send benevolence cards and crafts to the missionaries we support. We also have a Ladies Prayer Group that gathers each week to spend time in prayer and fellowship, and our Rose Garden Ministry is a weekly women’s Bible study.

Men's Ministry

There’s plenty for men, too! Nehemiah’s Men is a weekly ministry where men fellowship and work on the maintenance needs of our facility. We also have Men’s Prayer Breakfasts where we gather to challenge ourselves biblically and lift our prayer requests to God. In warmer months, our Guys in the Grove ministry meets outdoors on our church campus for fellowship.

Youth Ministries​

We have a vibrant and growing children’s ministry at Lighthouse Baptist Church. Our Sunday children’s ministries include Nursery, Sunday School, and Junior Church.

Awana is our weekly children’s ministry for ages four through sixth grade, and our G180 group for teens meets weekly Wednesday nights to study Scripture, fellowship, and have fun. G180 provides opportunities for spiritual growth and relationships through missions trips, teen events, retreats, summer camps, and more.


Find a place where you can serve the church and our community.

Outreach Teams

Outreach teams from Lighthouse Baptist Church regularly engage our community through face to face gospel surveys, and other in-person outreaches to the neighborhood and on the University of Delaware campus.

Ministry Teams

Ministry Teams provide a wonderful way for us to serve alongside others as we meet the needs of the church. While some of the ministries may require a certain skill or gifting, the vast majority of ministry opportunities are open to anyone. You will find people of all backgrounds and stages of life serving together in meaningful ways.

Explore Lighthouse Baptist Church

What’s my next step? Learn more, start planning your visit, or get directions!

Read Our Beliefs

What we believe about the Bible instructs everything that we value as a church.

Meet the Leadership

Get to know the people who have the God-ordained privilege to lead Lighthouse.

Plan Your Visit

Take the next step by learning what you can expect on a Sunday morning.