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About us

Our mission and our method demonstrate who we are and flow from what we believe.

Our Mission

“We exist to glorify God together by making and maturing disciples of Jesus Christ.”

Our Method

As we follow Christ as a church, we focus on four core activities
seen in the early church. Acts 2:41-47.


We endeavor to evangelize the lost by calling them out of darkness into the light of Christ. Evangelism is a God-given responsibility of the church. This is accomplished by building personal gospel relationships outside the church and by organized, consistent evangelistic efforts as a church.


We strive together to embrace and be embraced by the local church family. This includes the spiritual accountability of church members to each other, developing loving friendships, and ministering to one another.


We believe the church is a pillar and ground of the truth to aid in building each other up into the likeness of Christ. As a church, we are not only seeking converts for Jesus Christ, but also to disciple those converts into the whole counsel of God through ministry of the Word and the work of the Holy Spirit.


We worship and exalt the Lord through the God-focused and gospel-centered practices such such as preaching, teaching, prayer, singing, testimony, giving, and the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Table. We strive to lift up the Lord through both our attitudes and actions.

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Read Our Beliefs

What we believe about the Bible instructs everything that we value as a church.

How to Get Connected

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Plan Your Visit

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